Thursday, April 23, 2020

Media Ads, Makeup at Work Place and Dr. Ashiq Awan

Media Ads, Makeup at Work Place and

Dr. Ashiq Awan

By Farooq Mirza
Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan is most often seen addressing news conferences. It is always a pleasure to watch when you can feel the positivity coming out of the person addressing at press conferences, but alas, it is just the opposite with Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan.

Regrettably, she belongs to a medical profession but seems to be stone-hearted as she appears to have no expression of anxiety on her face while announcing Coronavirus deaths. Viewers’ eyes become full of tears, as she reports deaths while wearing a precious dress and a face paint contrary to the tradition of putting on black dress in times of mourning.

Additionally, unfortunately her favorite media is preferred as far as distribution of advertisement is concerned, despite the fact that the ignored media such as Sahafat. Al Akhbar and News are considered to be the best media compared to the chosen ones of the government.The advertisement mafia receive fifty percent bribe as advance payments to release ads.
Since the time Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan has become Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting, she has been repeatedly trying to strangulate the media industry through different means.

What positivity one can expect from the person who is said to be allegedly involved in mega corruption case of drug prices. According to the media news in circulation she is reported to have received millions of dollars from Pharmaceutical companies, Mr. Arshad Farooq ex secretary law and order and many mafias of Pharma companies are allegedly her co-accused who reportedly were all in jail, and her case so they say is still pending before EBM NAB HQ Islamabad.

Moreover, during the Q-League and then PPP government she allegedly enjoyed illegal powers. Reportedly, misusing her authority even in customs corruption cases she allegedly usurped millions of dollars and imported buses and other machinery for personal business use.

Oh my goodness, considering the above-mentioned media reports her addresses become a laughing stock which completely make the day for the fun-loving listeners/viewers and make them smiles ear to ear. Now one can understand why TV channels love broadcasting her press conferences?

Her press conferences are always full of promises for the betterment of journalists but despite tall claims of protecting journalists’ interests she is totally unaware of the Press Information Department (PID) officials’ corrupt practices especially of ABC Bureau officials and their staff members inimical to the interests of journalists.

Facts about the malpractices detected in the Press Information Department’s ABC Bureau are well known. Advertisements are given to those who grease their palms or who are pro-government. This is the concept of justice in the eyes of the Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan. The following summary of just “one day distribution of advertisements” is enough to prove this allegation:

Today Media Report      21 04 2020
Dunya 580cm
Express 752cm
Ex Tribune  3014cm
92News 337 cm
Dawn  482cm
Ausaf 428 cm
N waqt 390cm
B Recrder 192cm
Pakistan (N)184cm
Pakistan (S)100cm
Khabrian 124cm
Sahafat 120cm
P Observer 165cm
News  79cm
J Pakistan 110cm
Jinnah 144cm
Al Akhbar 20cm
Sahafat 50cm

Meanwhile CPNE has appealed to the Chief Justice of Pakistan to take notice of the unjust distribution of advertisements.

Don’t all these media reports make essential that ABC Bureau must be abolished immediately as it is allegedly doing nothing but corruption.

There is another prominent news/report feature allegedly attributed to the Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan. That is her craze for make-up. Her lipstick to lashes and everything in between, tell all about her. Her beauty-enhancing measures bring disgrace to her and make her look worse in the eyes of the people.

She goes from being naturally beautiful individual to sort of generically pretty. Less is more definitely, but she overdoes it. If she doesn't exude beauty from inside, no amount of makeup will be able to establish her outside prettiness.

It's great to be able to hide a few blemishes or to enhance what she already has, but as she wears too much make up, she seems completely insecure and unsure of herself. Her makeup doesn’t stop at the neckline rather goes beyond. I think you can tell a lot about a woman's personality by the makeup she wears.

New research suggests that female bosses should not wear too much makeup because it could harm their authority. Women who aspire to be great leaders should put down the lipstick and go easy on the mascara, a new study recommends.

Aberty University, in Dundee, Scotland asked participants to view a series of images of the same woman fresh faced, or made up as if for a social night out. Computer software was used to manipulate the amount of makeup worn. They found that people judged heavily made up women as having poorer leadership skills than those who had not used cosmetics.

According to researchers, wearing makeup in the workplace affects your career. They found that a heavy makeup look comes off as “unprofessional” in the workplace.

Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan must know who fares the best in the great makeup debate? It’s actually women who wear “light makeup” looks. Researchers found that women who wear “light makeup” get more promotions than those who go fresh-faced.

The participants described the women with less makeup as “moral,” “warm,” and “capable.” On the flip side, women who sport heavy eye makeup were found to be the least warm and least competent.

Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan doesn’t know that wearing makeup affects women in leadership positions.

In 2018 a study found that women get taken less seriously as competent leaders when they wear too much makeup. In the study, psychology researchers in Scotland asked more than 150 participants to look at multiple computer-generated versions of the 16 women’s faces with three varying degrees of makeup. The different options consisted of a look ready for “a social night out,” a look that was considered a moderate amount of makeup, and one that had no makeup.

Psychologists showed 1,000 people photos of women wearing varying degrees of makeup and asked them to describe them with adjectives.

Over the course of four experiments, they found that the women with heavier makeup were described with less empathy and warmth, and more like objects. Those who wore heavy eyeliner were described as the least warm and the least competent. Women who did not wear eyeliner were seen more favorably, even if they wore bright lipstick and/or heavy blusher.

What is more, tears start rolling down on her listeners/viewers’ cheeks as she reports COVID-19 losses dressed in a precious costume and face radiating with powder and paint unfavorable to the ritual of having black dress during bereavement period.

A bigger question is staring right in the eyes of all right-thinking people that what made her quit the medical profession and join political ranks? Instead, she should have been in the forefront of fighting Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) these days!!!

Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan’s character is allegedly full of contradictions. What positivity one can imagine from her?  Can anybody tell?

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